If you’ve done any reading about pregnancy nutrition, chances are you’ve read a lot of prenatal nutrition myths.
That’s right.
Some of the most common “nutritionisms” given to pregnant women are not backed by solid science (or even semi-solid science).
When I was invited to speak at the Paelo f(x) conference this year, I knew I’d be speaking about prenatal nutrition myths.
I focused my talk on The Carbohydrate & Pregnancy Controversy, but that’s just one of many topics I could have chosen.
To address some remaining controversial topics about prenatal nutrition, I recently wrote a guest post for the Paleo f(x) blog entitled “Why (Almost) Everything You Were Taught About Prenatal Nutrition is Wrong.”
If you’re pregnant and embrace a real food way of eating (whether that means paleo, primal, low-carb, or something else), prenatal nutrition can get downright confusing and contradictory.
In this post, I cover 5 prenatal nutrition myths every paleo mom should know about, specifically:
Myth #1: You Can’t Eat Fish
Myth #2: You Can Get All of your Omega-3s from Plants
Myth #3: Liver is Dangerous in Pregnancy
Myth #4: Don’t Eat Too Much Fat
Myth #5: Pregnant Women Need to Eat More Carbohydrates
And, of course, I provide the peer-reviewed evidence to back up my case.
Head on over to the Paleo f(x) website to get the full scoop.
Until next week,
PS – Dig this sort of research-y reading on prenatal nutrition? My book, Real Food for Gestational Diabetes, is full of it.
PPS – Myth #5 is a topic I have particular expertise in. If you missed my presentation on The Carbohydrate & Pregnancy Controversy, and have questions about carbohydrate needs during pregnancy, the safety of ketosis, and what we can learn from ancestral prenatal diets, you can watch it here.
Any recommendations for a quality prenatal vitamin?