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Melatonin & Sleep Quality in Pregnancy

Melatonin and sleep quality in pregnancy

How are you feeling today? Well-rested? Totally fatigued? Somewhere in between?  There’s nothing better than a great night’s sleep, but the construct of our modern society doesn’t necessarily set us up for success in the sleep department. Between busy schedules, screen time, spending most of … continue reading

CGM Experiment Part 2

CGM Experiment Part 2

I used to eat oatmeal every single morning. For years. Steel cut oats, soaked overnight (to reduce phytic acid levels and improve digestibility and mineral absorption), with butter or cream, nuts/nut butter, sometimes an egg cracked in, and usually berries to “sweeten” (who was I … continue reading

Does eating dates during pregnancy improve labor?

Does eating dates during pregnancy improve labor?

Whether you’re pregnant for the first time or you’ve given birth before, you may be feeling anxious during the last few weeks of pregnancy when you don’t know how your labor and delivery will play out. Everyone dreams of a quick, smooth delivery, so it’s … continue reading