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What’s Really Behind Overeating?

One question I’m often asked by clients is why they overeat. Most people have an idea of what is healthy for them and they feel it’s only a matter of “sticking to it” or “following through” or “fighting a craving”. While some of this may … continue reading

Spice Up The Holidays With Nutmeg

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been a bit obsessed with nutmeg. This happens E-V-E-R-Y year. It starts at Thanksgiving with the spice mixture for pumpkin and apple pie.  I bust out my microplane and jar of whole nutmeg and pretty soon I’m done for. … continue reading

Arugula Pesto (Raw)

I love sauces. I love spreads. I love anything that is packed with flavor and when smothered on anything else, makes it 100x better. Enter my dear friend Pesto. The pesto that most are familiar with is made with basil, but you can make pesto … continue reading

Roasted Brussels Sprouts – Not Your Mom’s Sprouts

Roasted Brussels Sprouts

I love this time of year, partly for the fall weather (arguably non-existent in LA other than Santa Ana winds, falling pine needles, and the smell of wildfires), but I’m mostly excited for the fall crops. Butternut Squash… Brussels Sprouts… Root Vegetables… Pumpkins… One of … continue reading

Fresh Salsa (plus the health benefits)

California has been incredibly hot during the past few weeks, and I’ve been finding super ripe and delicious tomatoes at our local farmers’ markets, so fresh salsa has had a regular place on my table. Here are a few I’ve whipped up. Multicolored cherry tomatoes, … continue reading

Good Posture (infographic)

As a Pilates teacher, I can’t help but notice good posture and bad posture. This clever good posture infographic from caught my attention. I hope you can find a few tips to keep your back and neck happy! Bad posture can be corrected and … continue reading

Homemade Coconut Milk

I love using coconut milk as a replacement for dairy, but I’m often frustrated by the additives used in most canned and boxed coconut milks. Luckily, making homemade coconut milk is super easy and actually tastes much better than the store-bought variety (really, the taste … continue reading

Chipotle Hummus

After buying an excessive quantity of fresh veggies at the farmer’s market this week (couldn’t help myself!), I decided to whip up a quick hummus for dipping. I’m not a fan of eating all veggies raw, but some are perfectly suited for crudites, like carrots, … continue reading

How to Run Like a Pilates Teacher

This image from Primer Magazine says it all. As with any movement, if you are not moving with intention and focus, you are more likely to get injured and less likely to benefit. So, keep those eyes up, your abdomen lifted, and your shoulders relaxed. … continue reading