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If Your Body Could Talk Would It Tell You To Stop Wasting Your Money?

The following is a guest post from the lovely Jacquie Sharples from Carpe Diem Wellbeing.

Over the years I’ve come across so many intelligent and amazing people and there is one thing in particular that I’ve seen and heard too many times. Some people say it through their actions; some show it by the condition their body is in; some think it to themselves and some just come right out and say it out loud. However they choose to express it, it still amazes and saddens me. It’s the expression, the action, the words:

“I hate my body”

When I see or hear that sentence, it makes me wonder how you can “hate” the one thing that makes it possible for you to do everything that you do?

When I see someone who hates their body, through their actions and their words, I can’t help but think,

“What must this person’s body think of them in return?”

I found myself asking the question, if our body had a choice about who owned it, would it choose who it is with now? Or would it find a new partner?

I couldn’t help but think, if we were a little nicer to our bodies, we would all be healthier and happier. Health and happiness — two things everyone seems to be in a constant search for.

At times it feels like we live in a world that is hell bent on making us focus on whether or not we like the look of bodies and then drives us to spend countless hours trying to change. But if that’s not making us healthier and happier maybe it’s time to ask some new questions. It’s time to think about things from our body’s point of view. To ask the question does your body like you? And what would your body change about you and your life, if only it could?

Although our bodies do talk to us, it is often in a language that we can’t understand. So what if they had the chance instead to communicate to us in plain old English? And so the idea for a book came about. The book – ‘If your body could talk’ – a collection of letters written from your body, to you.

I wrote that book and it has now been out or a while now and it’s amazing how many times people have said to me, “I’ve never thought about things from my body’s point of view before”. There’s a lot of power in thinking about our bodies like they are something separate, like they are something that we are responsible for and need to look after.

I believe that we’ve got a lot of learn from looking at our bodies from this new angle and that it can shift our mindsets, helping us to make better decisions more effortlessly.

Think about it.

“What if your body could talk? What would it say to you?”

Here is an extract from the book. A letter about what our body might think about the way we spend our money trying to make it look better. If your body could talk would it tell you to stop wasting your money?

I hope you enjoy it and keep choosing body love.

Love always,

Jacquie xx


Dear Monica,

Today at the shops you picked up a bag of organically grown walnuts for $11 and scoffed at the price. You actually said “what a rip off” to the random lady beside you. Two minutes later, you saw that peanut M&Ms were on sale for $5.99 a bag, so you bought two! The bag of walnuts would probably have lasted you a month, but the M&Ms only lasted one night.

I don’t get it. It’s funny how much money you’ll spend on some things and then scoff at the price of other things.

For example:

$8 for 2 takeaway coffees each day = no problem.
$6 for a punnet of blueberries that would last a week = rip off.

$8 vodka x too many to remember in a night = sold.
$10 for a group fitness class = nope.

$190 for a pair of jeans that make me look skinnier = bargain!
$190 for 12 weeks of yoga to work on my flexibility and for you to de-stress = not in the budget.

$900 for laser hair removal from various parts of me = an investment.
$150 for a pair of decent runners = too expensive.

$60 to have my fingernails shellacked every three weeks = done.
$60 for six organic grass-fed beef steaks = no way.

You spend over $1,000 to keep the hair on my head looking good each year. Yet you wouldn’t spend $1,000 on setting up a home gym or on group exercise classes so you could keep the rest of me looking good, too.

I’ve tried to work it out, but I just don’t get it.

Next time something that is good for me “seems” expensive, take the time to think about whether it really is that expensive compared to the money you spend on other things.

I’m not a financial adviser, but maybe you could spend your dollars a bit wiser and get more results for your money, honey.

Love always,

Your Body

In the comments below, I’d love to know:

  • Do your spending habits support your health?
  • How can you invest in your well-being?

Want to keep reading? You can!

Subscribe to Jacquie’s monthly newsletter and you’ll be able to download the first 50 pages of Jacquie’s book for free. Sign up here.

Ready to buy a copy of ‘If you body could talk’? You can buy it at all major online retailers, like Amazon.

Jacquie Sharples is a fitness and wellbeing coach from Melbourne, Australia. She spends her time coaching clients, giving wellbeing workshops in workplaces and writing. You can check out more about Jacquie at and on Facebook at on Instagram at or

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Lily Nichols is a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Educator, researcher, and author with a passion for evidence-based nutrition. Her work is known for being research-focused, thorough, and sensible. She is the founder of the Institute for Prenatal Nutrition®, co-founder of the Women’s Health Nutrition Academy, and the author of three books: Real Food for Fertility (co-authored with Lisa Hendrickson-Jack), Real Food for Pregnancy, and Real Food for Gestational Diabetes


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  1. Incredible! Pure brilliant, Jacquie! Love. Can’t wait to get on your list and get your book.

  2. Wow! I was getting your point just from your blog post, but boy the letter really drove it home for me. A lesson that won’t soon be forgotten I’m sure. Thank you for that! ~Viki

    • It’s so powerful to actually give your body a voice, isn’t it Viki?

  3. Wow. What an amazing way to think about this. Really resonated with me and definitely want to check out more. It’s crazy how changing the perspective on a situation can really nail in a concept that seems so obvious. I’ve definitely gotten better recently on being willing to spend more on healthy food, but other things like yoga classes, etc I still find myself saying ugh, that’s expensive. Something I need to work on with my body talking in mind. Thanks for sharing!

    • I hear you, Leah. I, too, sometimes feel like certain things are too expensive, but then when I look at all the other things I can mindlessly spend money on, it makes sense to consciously invest in the one thing that actually matters: my health.

      If my body doesn’t feel good, everything else in my life suffers.

  4. Very creative book concept. And a great way to inspire others to listen, with humor and common sense. Love it.

    • It’s a great read, Silvia. The magic is in the simplicity of the message.

  5. I loved this post and am excited to read your book! It’s right up my alley. So excited.

  6. I LOVE this post! Our bodies do talk to us through their language of sensation and symptoms and when people get frustrated, it is powerful to realize how much our bodies really do for us on a daily basis. And this letter is SO powerful! Yes, our culture can prioritize the things that don’t really show our bodies love and we reflect that in our purchasing choices. Thanks for a great post!

  7. Yikes. I have the sneaking suspicion that my body would be writing me a letter pretty similar to the one above. Especially when it comes to food choices…

  8. Very creative approach! It’s interesting how we rationalize spending the same amount of money on different things – eye-opening!

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