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I Failed the Glucola

I Failed the Glucola

Last week, I left you hanging about the results of my glucola. One of my readers emailed me: “Damn cliff hanger!! I want to know your results. Lol. This is why I binge watch tv shows after the whole season is out. The suspense is … continue reading

Why I Drank the Glucola

Why I Drank the Glucola

As many of you know, I’m currently pregnant. (So far, so good, in case you’re wondering…) I’m now at that point in my pregnancy where most women are asked to take a glucose tolerance test (GTT), otherwise known as the glucola, which screens for gestational … continue reading

Big News

I’ve been keeping some big news to myself for a bit too long and today’s the day I’m unwrapping the surprise for ya. Well, I sorta, kinda spilled the beans last week on the online workshop I taught (and with the members in my Real … continue reading

Breastfeeding Nutrition

Breastfeeding Nutrition - What we can learn from the mom-shaming cheeseburger breastfeeding ad

If you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, or know moms that are, chances are you’ve seen the following mom-shaming cheeseburger breastfeeding ad. It’s the brainchild of Brazil’s Pediatric Society of Rio Grande (SPRS) that’s meant to encourage women to eat a healthy diet while breastfeeding. Believe me, I’m … continue reading

Three Ways to Diagnose Gestational Diabetes

Three Ways to Diagnose Gestational Diabetes

There was a good part of me that didn’t want to pursue a career as a dietitian. I didn’t want to be forced to teach incorrect information, put people on low-calorie, low-fat diets, and work in the medical system pushing the tired status quo. Going … continue reading

The Truth About Carbohydrates and Pregnancy

the truth about carbohydrates and pregnancy

Today’s interview was prompted after my appearance on Robb Wolf’s podcast, which explored the gestational diabetes controversy (or shall I say controversies), including the topic of ketosis. Christopher and Julie from Nourish, Balance, Thrive (and hosts of the Paleo Baby Podcast) reached out to me … continue reading

Pregnancy Exercise Myths

pregnancy exercise myths

If you’ve been following my work for a while, you’ll know how much I get frustrated by incorrect nutrition advice, especially when it comes to pregnancy. Well, the same goes for exercise. Few healthcare providers are up-to-speed about the research behind exercise during pregnancy. Those … continue reading

Gestational Diabetes Controversy

She has done the ungodly thing of writing a book about a topic that has no fence sitters, everyone one has an opinion, and everybody’s opinion is right.” That’s how my interview with Robb Wolf started. I wasn’t exactly sure if that was a compliment … continue reading

Dealing with Gestational Diabetes

dealing with gestational diabetes

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down for an interview with Marc Sklar, an acupuncturist and fertility expert, to discuss gestational diabetes. In addition to helping couples struggling to conceive, Marc has worked with women at risk for – and who are diagnosed with … continue reading

Real Food for Gestational Diabetes Course

Real Food for Gestational Diabetes Course

If you’ve ever thrown your hands up in frustration because your diet isn’t working, you’ll want to read this. Whatever your health goals, restrictive diets often fail. Yet somehow, despite plenty of evidence supporting this fact, the world of conventional nutrition continues to recommend them. … continue reading