Read the first chapter of real food for pregnancy for FREE.

Digestive Issues and What to do About Them

I’ve had many people contact me recently looking for relief from some sort of digestive complaint. One of my specialties is digestive issues and healing them through whole foods, so this isn’t out of the ordinary.

The story goes something like…

” I used to be able to eat anything I wanted. I had an iron stomach. Now? I’m afraid to eat anything because I know I’ll end up bloated and miserable. Half the time, my pants don’t fit by the end of the day. I just want to get my life back. I feel like I can’t eat anything without blowing up. It’s ruining my social life. I don’t even go out to dinner with my friends anymore.”


“I’m dealing with terrible diarrhea. I haven’t had a normal bowel movement in 3 months. I tried eating more fiber, whole grains, using flax and metamucil, eating more salads, and it only made the problem worse! Then I tried gluten-free. No change. I also used some herbal products and I think I screwed something up. Probiotics didn’t help either. What do I do?!”


“The heartburn I’m experiencing is so severe that I’m forced to eat tiny little meals to prevent a flare up. I cant eat enough to even feel full. This is not a way to live. My gastroenterologist said everything was normal. But I don’t feel normal. The doc gave me some pills, but I feel like these only cover up the problem. I want to know what is really going on and find a solution to heal it, not mask it.”

Listen – You are not alone in having these symptoms. It’s rare that I have a client who has no digestive complaints. Even occasional bloating is uncomfortable and downright unacceptable. It’s frustrating to finish your day looking like you’re 4 months pregnant when you’re not. (Food baby anyone?) It’s especially frustrating when this happens from eating seemingly benign food. You didn’t overeat and yet you feel huge. What gives?

I know you can overcome these challenges when armed with the right information. I help clients do this each and every week. It’s empowering to know how and why things are going awry and the exact steps to fix it. Unfortunately, a lot of popular dietary advice actually makes your digestive symptoms worse. So beware before you implement something you read in the latest magazine article.

Since I can help more people in less time with a group class, I’ve decided that my next workshop will focus exclusively on these questions and concerns. That’s right, I’ll be sharing all of my secrets to healthy digestion in a 90 minute workshop devoted entirely to the topic.

For veteran Pilates Nutritionist Workshop Attendees, rest assured, I will still do plenty of Q&A, so that you can get targeted advice for your specific problem on the spot. Maybe your issue is food combining, meal timing, food sensitivities, how you are preparing your food, taking the wrong supplements, or something else entirely. We’ll hash it out in a supportive and lively group.

As one attendee said about last year’s digestive workshop:

“…You will find it a safe place to share your body’s challenges and get an educated view of what might be going on and options to improve your situation and ultimately achieve better digestive health.” – Sally Kraus, Professional Coach

So if any of the above stories sound familiar, don’t waste another day suffering silently. You may just pick up a trick or two (or maybe a whole lot more) that will be the missing link to feeling better.

I hope to see you at the workshop on Saturday, June 22nd at 2:00pm at HALE Pilates Method. Sign up HERE!

In the weeks leading up to the event, I’ll be sharing some of my digestive secrets via email ONLY. 

If you’re not already on my email list, sign up below to receive email updates. Even if you decide not to come, you’ll still get some fix-its for your most annoying digestive complaints for FREE, no strings attached.

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Lily Nichols is a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Educator, researcher, and author with a passion for evidence-based nutrition. Her work is known for being research-focused, thorough, and sensible. She is the founder of the Institute for Prenatal Nutrition®, co-founder of the Women’s Health Nutrition Academy, and the author of three books: Real Food for Fertility (co-authored with Lisa Hendrickson-Jack), Real Food for Pregnancy, and Real Food for Gestational Diabetes