Mamas and babies are counting on you.
You know that prenatal nutrition can affect both mother and baby’s health, but there’s so much conflicting advice. That’s why I’m here.
Hi, I’m Lily
I’m a real food registered dietitian specializing in prenatal nutrition and gestational diabetes. I’ve devoted my career – and two books – to revolutionizing the way we approach prenatal nutrition.
Most prenatal nutrition
advice is outdated.
Key nutrients for your baby’s development are found in the very foods you’re told to limit by conventional prenatal nutrition guidelines.
In other words, if you follow conventional prenatal nutrition advice, you’re almost guaranteed to be eating a nutrient-deficient diet, not a nutrient-dense one.
It often takes decades for research to make it into practice—and for old policies to be significantly reformed—so it’s not surprising that we have found ourselves in this situation, but…
We can do better.
My goal is to take prenatal nutrition advice out of the dark ages and gives you an easy-to-follow guide for making the best food and lifestyle choices during pregnancy.
I questioned the status quo, so you don’t have to question yourself during pregnancy.
Continuing Education for Professionals
The best way to stay up-to-date on prenatal nutrition and women’s health nutrition topics is to take part in my continuing education opportunities via the Institute for Prenatal Nutrition® and the Women’s Health Nutrition Academy.
In addition to professional mentorchip and web-based classes, some of Lily’s books are approved for CEUs for registered dietitians. Learn more here.
Expand Your Lending Library
Knowledge is power. Get informed, encourage your clients to eat real food, and observe the improvements in their pregnancy outcomes.
Lily’s bestselling books have helped tens of thousands of mamas (and babies!), are used in maternal nutrition courses at the university level, and have even influenced prenatal nutrition public policy internationally.
Go here to request a quote. This is a great option
if you plan to gift or sell copies to clients.
I’m so thrilled to read Real Food for Pregnancy. I absolutely love Lily’s work. Her evidence-based approach to nutrition is not only relevant during pregnancy, but for the rest of your life! I think every birth professional (midwife, doula, etc.) should have a copy in their lending library for clients.
Rebecca Dekker, PhD, RN
Founder of Evidence Based Birth®
Endorsements from Experts
Real Food for Pregnancy is replacing my Prenatal/Maternal Nutrition textbook. The information meets every pregnant woman’s needs and provides evidence-based “real food” solutions.
Rochelle Anzaldo, RD
Bakersfield, California
Real Food For Pregnancy should find its way into every medical school and prenatal clinic. Lily Nichols’ first book, Real Food for Gestational Diabetes, is a staple in my teaching here at West Virginia University and has shifted how many in our department view nutrition. Her second book is encyclopedic; it’s amazingly well-referenced and more in-depth than many textbooks. If mothers embrace Lily’s advice, the next generation will hopefully suffer less obesity and diabetes.
Mark Cucuzzella, MD, FAAFP
Professor at West Virginia University School of Medicine
As a midwife, I am relieved to finally be able to recommend a one-stop resource for proactive nutritional guidance. Lily Nichols’ common sense approach is great for expecting parents and professionals alike, who wish to get up-to-date on the best ways to minimize complications and use nutrition for the best pregnancy outcomes.
Elke Saunders, CPM
Anchorage, Alaska
Real Food for Pregnancy is the most important innovation I have seen in pregnancy healthcare in the seventeen years I have worked with expecting and new families. It leverages science and nutrition to help us all achieve the fundamental right of fulfilling our potential in the world. I will share that I stood up and cheered at regular intervals as I read this book. I hope you will, too, and that your provider will cheer with you as you exceed what most think possible in pregnancy health.
Jodilyn Owen, LM (WA, TN), CPM
Director of Perinatal Care, Choices Memphis Center for Reproductive Health
As a dietitian specializing in pregnancy and gestational diabetes, I consider Real Food for Pregnancy (along with Lily’s previous book, Real Food for Gestational Diabetes), my go-to resource for research-backed nutrition information. I’ve had my doubts about the standard nutrition recommendations for pregnancy, but never had the time (nor patience) to dig through the research to the depth that I’d like. Not only did Lily do all the work for me (and you), she presents it in a way that is easy to understand by anyone.
Katrina Yoder, RD, CDE
San Luis Obispo, CA
Real Food for Pregnancy should be considered essential reading for any woman who is currently pregnant or planning conception in the near future. I have not found a similar text with the breadth and depth of discussion on prenatal nutrition.
Amit Bhavsar, MD
Board certified Obstetrician-Gynecologist practicing outside of Austin, TX
As a practicing CNM (midwife) for almost 30 years, I am thrilled to have found Lily’s writing and expertise. Real Food for Pregnancy is one that we’ll keep in stock at our clinic and will teach from during our early pregnancy classes. I really enjoyed the descriptions of the vitamins and minerals and how to get them from food. In my experience, too many people believe that prenatal vitamins will solve all of their problems or will guarantee the health of the baby.
Cheryl Heitkamp, APRN, CNM
President of Willow Midwives in Minneapolis, MN
Learn why real food should become the standard of care
Read the first chapter for FREE.