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Messy Science of Prenatal Nutrition: Interview with Robb Wolf

Nutrition during pregnancy is complicated, to say the least. As a specialist in this area, I understand, firsthand, how much controversy comes with the territory.

If you’ve been following my work for a while, you may have heard me on a number of podcast interviews talking about this very topic. One of my favorite interviews, to date, was for Robb Wolf’s Paleo Solution Podcast back in 2015 on gestational diabetes.

Apparently, I’m not the only one who liked that interview, because when I recently sat down for a second interview with Robb, he shared that it’s among the most popular episodes he’s ever recorded (that’s sayin’ a lot, given that he’s got close to 400 episodes now). My jaw nearly dropped to the floor when he told me that.

In case you haven’t checked out his work, Robb Wolf is a 2x New York Times bestselling author and creator of the Paleo Solution Podcast. His work in the paleo/ancestral nutrition/low carb sphere has impacted literally millions of lives and I’m beyond humbled to be featured on his show for a second time.

In this prenatal nutrition interview with Robb Wolf, I talk about the messy science of prenatal nutrition, how conventional guidelines don’t always reflect the latest evidence, and so many more interesting facets related to real food, pregnancy, epigenetics, sustainability, and our food system as a whole.

In short, we can do a better job getting more accurate, up-to-date nutrition advice to pregnant women. I’ve made it my mission to do just that. In our interview, I talk about how most nutrient requirements are set for pregnant women, why this is often imperfect, and how there’s disconnect between the current recommendations and the latest data.

The Messy Science of Prenatal Nutrition: Interview with Robb Wolf

>>> Listen HERE or on iTunes (Episode 384) <<<

Topics discussed:

  • How I got into prenatal nutrition (and how gestational diabetes, ancestral nutrition, and so much more have shaped my career).
  • Evolutionary Medicine – how nutrition and our lifestyle play a role in chronic disease now and in future generations.
  • Nutrient deficiencies during pregnancy – new data on choline and vitamin B12.
  • Low carb diets and birth defects – my thoughts on the flawed study that made headlines recently.
  • Obesity and insulin sensitivity.
  • Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics policy paper on prenatal nutrition and how the nutrient breakdown from their sample meal plan compares to a real food
  • Ramifications of public nutrition policy – Czech Republic gestational diabetes guidelines and how they changed their carbohydrate recommendations following the research from Real Food for Gestational Diabetes.
  • Sustainability of our food system and pasture-raised/grass-fed meat. My story of the cow island in Alaska (for more on why I’m so passionate about grass-fed beef, see this).
  • Nutrient-dense foods vs. fortified foods.
  • Real Food for Pregnancy book – why I wrote the book and how it’s different from others on the market (including my first book, Real Food for GD).

Click here to listen in.

I hope you enjoyed this discussion. If you loved this interview with Robb Wolf, consider checking out our first chat on gestational diabetes from a few years ago right HERE.


Until next week,



PS – If you want to get a glimpse into my new book, Real Food for Pregnancy, grab your free copy of Chapter 1 over at As mentioned in the interview, this section includes the nutrient table comparing a sample diet following conventional standards to a real food for pregnancy meal plan.


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Lily Nichols is a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Educator, researcher, and author with a passion for evidence-based nutrition. Her work is known for being research-focused, thorough, and sensible. She is the founder of the Institute for Prenatal Nutrition®, co-founder of the Women’s Health Nutrition Academy, and the author of three books: Real Food for Fertility (co-authored with Lisa Hendrickson-Jack), Real Food for Pregnancy, and Real Food for Gestational Diabetes

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