I came across this quote and just had to share.
When you tug at a single thing in nature, you find it attached to the rest of the world. -John Muir
Everything is interconnected, especially when it comes to our bodies and our health. A few weeks ago, while hiking in the Santa Monica mountains, I snapped a photo (below) of a wild cucumber vine supporting itself on an oak tree branch. I was struck by the perfect little coil that this plant creates, which reminded me of the springs in Pilates. I also thought about how this tiny little vine had enough strength to pull the oak tree branch down out of its preferred growth pattern.
As you read this, I challenge to you to become aware of what is tugging at your body.
Take a moment to think about all the little muscles working in your body, pulling things this way or that way, working together (or fighting each other) to keep things aligned. It doesn’t take much to pull things out of alignment, but boy will your body work hard to restore that balance.
Ask yourself these questions:
- Is the weight even on both sits bones, or are you favoring the right or the left?
- Is your waistline long and lifted or are you sinking down and allowing your ribs to close in towards the hips
- Is your low back happy? Is it hunched back into the chair back behind you? Is it aching?
- Are your shoulders relaxed? Are they elevated a bit? Are they closing in on your chest?
- Is your neck in a comfortable position? Is your chin jutting forward to read your computer screen? Is the back of the neck long?
In the few minutes it took you to read this, what are 3 things you noticed about your posture? Leave a comment below telling me about your 3 discoveries, big or small.
Taking little mindfulness breaks in your day, like this one, go a long way to help calm your nerves, increase body awareness, and alleviate pain. You can carry this same mindfulness practice into your Pilates sessions or any other exercise you engage in. The results will surprise you.
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