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Gluten Sensitivity and Wheat Allergy Symptoms

wheat allergy symptoms

  Did that slice of pizza last night tear up your stomach? Are you often bloated and gassy after eating bread? Maybe you’re thinking about going gluten-free, but you’re not sure. As a specialist in food sensitivities, I get a lot of questions about gluten … continue reading

Why Eating Nuts Upsets Your Stomach

Why Eating Nuts Upsets Your Stomach How to make nuts more digestible

So you went on a health kick and started eating more nuts… You pack pecans as a mid-morning snack, you slather almond butter on apple slices, and you top your salads with chopped walnuts. You did all of this to be healthier, but instead of … continue reading

5 Ways To Stay Calm When Things Get Stressful

5 Ways To Stay Calm When Things Get Stressful

Deadlines. Expectations. Go, go go. Ever feel like you just don’t have enough time to get it all done? You go into autopilot. Panic mode. Keep working and burning the candle at both ends until you’re spent. 12 hour days turn into 14 hour days … continue reading

What To Do With Pumpkin Seeds – 6 Tasty Ideas

Chili lime roasted pumpkin seeds

Halloween is right around the corner. If you’re like most people, you are going to carve a pumpkin into a snaggle-toothed masterpiece and leave it, candle-illuminated, outside your front door to greet costumed candy beggars. I don’t get many trick-or-treaters in my neighborhood, however I … continue reading

Carrot Ginger Squash Soup

Carrot Ginger Squash Soup

I love fall. Here in LA, our seasons are a bit a lot more subtle, but nevertheless still exist. I swear. We might not have the color change like New England or the oodles of local apples, but we do have crisp nights (ok… not … continue reading

Why coconut oil is better than vegetable oil

why coconut oil is better than vegetable oil

Fats are one of the most misunderstood topics in nutrition and my loyal newsletter subscribers may have noticed something about the recipes I post. I use coconut oil. A lot. I also use ghee or butter. I sometimes use olive oil. I never use vegetable … continue reading

Roasted Beets

Beets can be intimidating. They’re bright red, they’ll stain your clothes, and they turn your pee a funny color. Boil them and they taste like nothing. Get ‘em from a can and they taste like… well… can. Try to cook them any other way and … continue reading