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Fresh Salsa (plus the health benefits)

California has been incredibly hot during the past few weeks, and I’ve been finding super ripe and delicious tomatoes at our local farmers’ markets, so fresh salsa has had a regular place on my table. Here are a few I’ve whipped up. Multicolored cherry tomatoes, … continue reading

Homemade Coconut Milk

I love using coconut milk as a replacement for dairy, but I’m often frustrated by the additives used in most canned and boxed coconut milks. Luckily, making homemade coconut milk is super easy and actually tastes much better than the store-bought variety (really, the taste … continue reading

Chipotle Hummus

After buying an excessive quantity of fresh veggies at the farmer’s market this week (couldn’t help myself!), I decided to whip up a quick hummus for dipping. I’m not a fan of eating all veggies raw, but some are perfectly suited for crudites, like carrots, … continue reading

Why Tea Should be Your Favorite Drink

Anyone who knows me also knows that I love tea. It might be black, green, white, red, herbal or some combination of all of the above, but the common thread here is TEA. And I’m not alone. Did you know that tea is the most … continue reading

Carrot Ginger Soup

This is one of my favorite fall and winter recipes. It is especially good if you’re feeling a cold coming on. Something about the ginger feels wonderful on your throat. Carrots are high in beta carotene – a powerful antioxidant that is particularly healthy for … continue reading

Autumn Snack: Crispy Cinnamon Garbanzo Beans

[/caption] Ok, these are the most delicious snack EVER! I’ve made them numerous times with a variety of seasonings (chili powder is super tasty), but nothing says Fall like cinnamon. I promise these don’t taste “bean-y” at all. You’d be surprised how garbanzo beans can … continue reading