Excuses, excuses!
I hear them all the time in my practice whether it is nutrition counseling or training Pilates clients.
“I guess I could sit up tall instead of slouching when I drive or sit at my desk, but I’m so preoccupied with work, that I just forget.”
“I should do these stretches every day, but my morning is so rushed and I get to sleep too late and I can’t wake up any earlier…”
“I would like to eat healthier, but my life is so busy”
Coulda, shoulda, woulda…
Okay, I’m not trying to single you out here, but if you don’t make Pilates a priority and put in the effort, nothing is going to change. Your stomach will not instantly shrink, your legs will not get thinner and your arms will not get toned if you are not willing to come in a few times a week and work for it.
So, is today another excuse or is it the day you commit to a healthier and leaner body?
What is your motivation? What do you want to accomplish? Why are you going to make time in your schedule for 2 or 3 Pilates sessions a week?
Because, Pilates calms your nerves, releases tension, makes you stronger, helps you feel more confident… and yeah, it gives you flat abs!