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Does eating dates during pregnancy improve labor?

Whether you’re pregnant for the first time or you’ve given birth before, you may be feeling anxious during the last few weeks of pregnancy when you don’t know how your labor and delivery will play out. Everyone dreams of a quick, smooth delivery, so it’s no surprise that many women are willing to try just about anything to initiate or reduce the pain and duration of labor! Eating spicy food, drinking raspberry leaf tea, walking, nipple stimulation, castor oil — you name it — the list goes on.

One practice that is quite popular is eating dates towards the end of pregnancy to improve labor outcomes (or at least, that’s the promise). In this article, I’ll review where the practice of eating dates in pregnancy for better labor originated, why it’s believed to be helpful, and (as always) the existing research on its effectiveness. 

I’ll also discuss the nutritional nuances of eating dates, including their nutrient content, impact on blood sugar, and whether there’s anything you can do to minimize the blood sugar spike from dates.

If you’re wondering if you should eat dates before your due date, this article is for you.

What are dates?

Dates are a type of fruit that grows on trees called date palms. They are commonly grown in northern Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, as well as many other parts of the world with a warm climate. There are over 600 kinds of dates and the chemical and mineral composition can differ depending on where the dates were grown.

Dates are categorized as soft (i.e. Medjool), semi-soft (i.e. Deglet Nour), and dry (i.e. Thoory). There are also several stages of ripeness of dates based on Arabic practice. These stages are: Hababouk, Kimri, Khalal, Rutab and Tamar (or Tamr). 

Dates are usually consumed at three stages of ripeness:

  • Khalal (fresh, hard ripe, color stage)
  • Rutab (crisp to succulent or ripe stage)
  • Tamar (soft pliable, full ripe stage)

Of these three stages, Rutab or Tamar stage is when dates are ripe, soft, and sweetest. This is what you mostly find at grocery stores. While I would appreciate all of the nuance with varieties of dates, unfortunately most research on dates and pregnancy does not specify what types of dates were used. The studies that do specify, use Rutab or Tamar dates in their protocols.

Why did eating dates during pregnancy become popular?

Eating dates during pregnancy, labor and even postpartum is a common practice in some regions of the Middle East, Asia and Africa. In Islamic culture, the date is considered a sacred fruit. In Traditional Persian Medicine (TPM), dates are considered a medicinal food for labor. The Holy Quran even discusses eating dates during the Virgin Mary’s birth and its helpful effect on childbirth. Clearly, eating dates during pregnancy and labor is not a new concept.

Researchers aren’t exactly sure why eating dates may improve the experience of labor and delivery, but they have some theories. Some postulate that dates effectively ease childbirth because of how they act on the receptor for the hormone responsible for inducing childbirth, oxytocin. Date consumption is thought to induce earlier uterine contractions and improve the body’s response to oxytocin. 

Another theory is that dates may improve one’s immunity to infection by reducing the incidence of pre-labor membrane ruptures (aka water breaking). You may be thinking, but isn’t having my water break a good thing? Won’t that mean I’m in labor? While having your water break may be a natural way for labor to start, more than two thirds of women reach full cervical dilation (10 cm) before their waters break. This is actually advantageous because that membrane provides a protective cushion around the baby that prevents compression of the baby and its umbilical cord and also prevents entry of infectious bacteria. Nonetheless, water breaking before or during labor (or not at all; “en caul” births) are all a variation of normal.

Nutrients in dates

It is speculated that any perceived benefits of dates on pregnancy or labor outcomes is related to their nutritional value. As for macronutrients, dates are very high in carbohydrates, primarily from sugars (sucrose, glucose, and fructose) and a small amount of fiber, while containing very little protein or fat. As for micronutrients, dates contain low-to-moderate levels of B vitamins, vitamin C, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, iron, and magnesium. They also contain a variety of phytochemicals, such as flavonoids, lignans, and various polyphenols.

Since dates are typically consumed as a dried fruit, they are more concentrated in sugar than fresh fruit. You can see in the chart below that 100 g of dates provides 63-66 grams of sugar, which is 6 to 16.5-fold more sugar relative to an equal portion of fresh fruit (such as apples, oranges, blueberries, or cranberries). Some varieties of dates can be up to 88% sugar by weight. 

What the research says about eating dates in pregnancy and labor outcomes

Research has assessed the effects of eating dates during pregnancy (or during labor) on various pregnancy and labor outcomes, however the data is limited. For example, a 2020 meta-analysis of the existing literature on dates and pregnancy/labor outcomes included 8 studies (with data from only 6 trials) comprising fewer than 700 participants in total across all the studies combined. Most studies had participants eat between 70-100 g ( or ~4-7 dates, depending on the type) per day, although some studies used a different serving size. Here’s what we know from the existing data:

Before birth: 

  • Dates and gestational duration (length of pregnancy): In a review article assessing the effects of date consumption on gestational length, it was suggested that eating ~70 g of dates in the final weeks of pregnancy significantly reduced gestational duration. However, at closer inspection of this review, several of the studies used to defend this finding did not even assess gestational duration in their study design (rather, they were looking at labor duration and/or cervical dilation). Trials performed since this review was published have not supported their conclusions. For example, one randomized controlled trial provided women with 80 g of dates (approximately 4 dates) per day starting at 38 weeks found that there was no difference between onset of spontaneous labor between the women who ate dates and women who did not. In fact, the length of pregnancy was nearly identical between the groups. Eating dates during pregnancy with the hopes of not “going over your due date” is unfortunately not founded in reliable evidence. Due dates are a giant guesstimate anyways (I prefer the terms “guess date” or “due month” instead).

  • Dates and spontaneous labor: Some studies on date consumption in pregnancy show an increased likelihood of spontaneous birth, or going into labor naturally (as opposed to an induction) if dates are consumed in the last 2-4 weeks of pregnancy. For example, in one study, spontaneous labor occurred in 96% of those who consumed dates, compared with 79% of women who did not consume dates. This finding is, of course, confounded by differing practices regarding induction. For example, some practitioners want to induce at 39 weeks, whereas others wait until 41 or 42 weeks before recommending an induction.

During birth:

  • Dates and cervical dilation: Cervical dilation refers to the 0-10 cm scale healthcare practitioners use to determine if the cervix is opened enough for the baby to descend into the birth canal (10 cm being “fully dilated”). A systematic review & meta analysis found that consumption of dates in the Rutab and Tamar phases at any time during pregnancy and in any amount significantly increased cervical dilation. A randomized controlled trial supported this, showing that the average cervical dilation for pregnant women at 37 weeks gestation who ate 70-75 g of dates per day (4.05±1.63 cm) was higher than the group that did not eat dates (2.97±4.63 cm). Similar findings were discovered in a prospective study that followed pregnant women at 36 weeks who consumed dates. They had significantly higher average cervical dilation upon admission compared with the non-date eaters (3.52 cm vs 2.02 cm). That said, cervical dilation does not necessarily predict labor onset or labor progression (i.e. you can be walking around at 4 cm dilated for weeks before going into labor, or you could go from 4 cm dilated to birthing your baby in less than an hour). Routinely checking cervical dilation is antiquated and not evidence-based, but unfortunately, is still quite common.
  • Dates and labor duration: The jury is still out as to whether date consumption shortens the duration of labor, but there are some signs that suggest it might. Two systematic reviews and meta analyses suggest that consuming dates during pregnancy can reduce the duration of the active phase of labor; however, the quality of some of the studies included in the systematic reviews have questionable study design and a high risk of bias., Also, there has been other research showing date consumption in late pregnancy had no effect on any phase of labor.
  • Dates as a labor snack: The high sugar content of dates means they can be a quick source of energy during labor. It’s estimated that you burn 50 to 100 calories per hour while they are in labor (equivalent to aerobic exercise). In fact, the smooth muscles used during labor need 20-400 times more energy than skeletal muscles that you would use on a run. However, keep in mind that the body has complex, protective metabolic systems in place to support you in times of high energy expenditure. While dates may provide immediate, quick energy, once that energy runs out, the body relies on fat storage for energy (many women are actually in ketosis during labor). Plus, depending on where you give birth, you may be discouraged from eating during labor (even though that’s not exactly rooted in strong evidence), but I digress… it is still common practice to not “allow” eating during labor in many hospital births. If you are able to have snacks in labor, dates could be helpful to have on hand.

Birthing complications:

  • Dates and method of delivery: Some studies show women who consumed dates at the end of pregnancy had a lower rate of C-sections (as opposed to a physiological vaginal birth) compared to those who did not consume dates; however, not all studies have observed this correlation.
  • Dates and labor pain: While I would love to tell you that dates can reduce labor pain, this has not yet been conclusively shown. Because of their pharmacological properties (effect on prostaglandins), it is speculated that consuming dates at the end of pregnancy or during labor may decrease labor pain. In one randomized controlled trial women reported less pain intensity during labor on average in the trial group that was given date syrup (dates mixed with water) than the trial group that was just given water. However, pain is subjective and is difficult to accurately measure. In animal studies, there is some research showing intake of dates provides moderate analgesic (pain relieving) properties. Dates also may have a blocking effect on pain by inhibiting the inflammatory pathway of pain sensation by suppressing prostaglandin synthesis. All of this is encouraging, but not enough to definitively say that eating dates prior to labor will reduce pain.
  • Dates and postpartum hemorrhage: Postpartum hemorrhaging (PPH), although rare, is a serious condition that occurs when a woman has heavy bleeding after birth that can lead to shock or death if not treated quickly. Some data suggests that consumption of dates is associated with lower blood pressure in pregnancy, which is speculated to cause lesser bleeding after delivery. In one clinical trial, the average rate of bleeding in the first hour after delivery was much less in the trial group given 50 g of dates than in another trial group which was given 10 units of intramuscular synthetic oxytocin (Pitocin). The average amount of bleeding 3 hours after delivery between the two groups was significantly lower in the dates group. Similarly, in another clinical trial, women were either given 20 units of Pitocin or 10 units of Pitocin + 100 gram Rutab dates within 10 minutes after delivery.  After 2 hours, there was a significant difference between PPH in the two groups and the average bleeding was lower in the dates group. The researchers found that Rutab dates were more effective than Pitocin for PPH prevention.

Will dates spike blood sugar levels?

While some of the existing data shows support for eating dates and better labor outcomes, there remains a major elephant in the room: blood sugar. 

There isn’t any data that looks specifically at date consumption, blood sugar and pregnancy outcomes for both mama and baby. 

However, some of the date consumption studies have included occasional blood sugar monitoring in the study protocol. Those that do specifically exclude results from any participants who experience “any derangement in random capillary glucose reading.” For those studies, any positive findings on dates can only be applied to women with normal blood sugar levels as those who experienced high blood sugar were dropped from the study.

Let’s remember that dates are EXTREMELY high in carbohydrates (providing about 75 g of cerbohydrates per every 100 g, most of which is sugar). Approximately half of the sugar in dates is glucose, which causes a significant and rapid blood sugar spike. In the chart below, you can see that the available carbohydrate (what your body digests) and glycemic load is much higher for dates than other fruits. This particular chart only included a few types of dates, but there are many varieties of dates available, with a typical glycemic index ranging from 43 to 75. In the chart below, the glycemic index ranged from 36 to 103. For reference a glycemic index of 100 is equivalent to pure glucose.

In one study performed in non-diabetic, non-pregnant adults (13 females and 8 males), blood glucose responses were compared after the consumption of 10 dates (Deglet Noor and Khala varieties) versus a standardized 75 gram glucose tolerance test. The blood sugar responses were almost identical. That’s right, dates spiked blood sugar just as much as the dreaded glucose drink.

Should women with gestational diabetes eat dates? What if you passed your gestational diabetes screening?

If you have known blood sugar issues (currently diagnosed with gestational diabetes or are at risk for gestational diabetes), then I do not recommend eating dates. There are many risks involved with GD, to include increased risk of macrosomia, preterm labor, and preeclampsia. 

Even if you passed your gestational diabetes screening and your pregnancy has been ‘normal’ thus far, you may want to be cautious with the quantity of dates eaten in one sitting. No matter who you are, eating 4-6 dates all in one setting, will most certainly cause your blood sugar to spike. 

This type of postprandial hyperglycemia (post-meal high blood sugar) has been linked to macrosomia, neonatal hyperinsulinemia, and fetal hypoglycemia, even in infants of mothers who only had “mild gestational hyperglycemia” (meaning they do not have a formal diagnosis of gestational diabetes). In other words, babies born to mothers with mildly elevated blood sugar were more likely to grow larger than expected, have higher than normal insulin levels, and to have their blood sugar drop dangerously low after birth.

Women who have mild gestational hyperglycemia have a higher frequency of adverse maternal and fetal outcomes, to include:

  • Pregnancy-induced hypertension
  • Delivery complications, including shoulder dystocia
  • Malformations (birth defects)
  • Large for gestational age babies (macrosomia)
  • Low 1-min Apgar score
  • Respiratory distress
  • Hyperbilirubinemia (jaundice)
  • Neonatal hypoglycemia

This is because maternal hyperglycemia leads to fetal hyperinsulinism, which is involved in several of these complications, particularly hyperbilirubinemia, respiratory distress, and hypoglycemia.

Neonatal hypoglycemia is when a newborn’s blood sugar drops too low. This is most common in infants of mothers with some form of diabetes (or as above, women with mild gestational hyperglycemia). This is because elevated maternal blood sugar exposes baby to high blood sugar. Since maternal insulin does not cross the placenta, the baby’s pancreas works overtime to bring their blood sugar into the normal range via secreting more insulin. If this is a regular occurrence, the baby will continually produce high amounts of insulin (fetal hyperinsulinemia). After birth, once the cord is cut, the baby’s sugar supply suddenly halts, but their insulin production continues. This scenario of too much insulin and a sudden halt to their sugar supply results in hypoglycemia.

Of note, neonatal hypoglycemia is 1.5 times more common in non-diabetic women who gain beyond the anticipated gestational weight gain (IOM guidelines) compared to those who gain within those guidelines (more on weight gain in pregnancy here). A high-glycemic diet is highly predictive of excessive weight gain in pregnancy, even in those who pass their gestational diabetes screening tests. This again, adds more data that supports eating a diet based primarily on foods that do not contribute to large blood sugar spikes (aka a low glycemic index, real food diet as outlined in Real Food for Gestational Diabetes and Real Food for Pregnancy).

Thus, even  if you don’t have gestational diabetes, your blood sugar levels in pregnancy matter. Adverse “fetal programming” typically linked to gestational diabetes can occur to mothers who only have mildly elevated blood sugar. 

For this reason, I’m cautious about enthusiastically recommending eating LOTS of dates, even for women who “pass” their gestational diabetes screening. More nuance on this below!

But Lily, what if I combine dates with fat or protein or fiber to reduce the blood sugar spike?

This is a valid point! As I have taught for many years, eating carbohydrates alongside a source of fat, protein and/or fiber often helps to blunt the blood sugar spike (reduces the glycemic impact of the carbohydrates). I call this concept “no naked carbs” in my books, Real Food for Gestational Diabetes and Real Food for Pregnancy

However, this advice of “no naked carbs” does not negate the high sugar/carb content of dates. My colleague, Jessie Inchauspé of Glucose Goddess, who measures blood sugar responses to different foods while wearing a continuous glucose monitor (CGM), tested this out (image below shared with permission). She compared eating dates alone to eating dates alongside tahini and walnuts. Despite the additional fat, protein, and fiber from the nuts and tahini, the blood sugar spike was still high (>65 mg/dl). Yes, it was a slight improvement over the dates eaten alone, but you can see both experiments resulted in a steep spike followed by a crash.

During my second pregnancy, I wore a CGM several times. Out of curiosity, I tested 5 Medjool dates eaten in one sitting and on an empty stomach in the third trimester. My blood sugar spiked ~85 points and crashed rapidly. I ended up extremely hungry (hangry!), hypoglycemic, shakey, and extremely nauseous. For the sake of science, I waited a full 2 hours to get an accurate picture of what my blood sugar did before eating anything. My blood sugar response to dates was almost identical to the charts that Glucose Goddess shared. I reached max blood sugar at about 45 minutes after eating the dates, then crashed quickly.

In case you think CGMs are inaccurate, I also tested my blood sugar with a regular glucometer (finger prick) to assess the accuracy of the CGM during my “date test.” I checked my blood sugar before eating and every 15 min during the 2-hour window after eating the dates. Yes, after 9 pokes, my fingers were sick of being pricked!

My regular glucometer supported the trends from the CGM. As expected, there was a slight delay in CGM readings versus finger prick readings (this is a known phenomenon with interstitial vs. capillary glucose, as I covered in my CGM experiment article), but the overall results were very much aligned. Via my meter, I spiked and crashed about 10-15 minutes faster than the CGM readings displayed. The highest reading on the meter was nearly identical to the highest spike on CGM. My starting and ending readings on CGM and finger prick were the same.

Big spike, big crash.

In case you’re wondering, no, I did not have gestational diabetes and I have confirmed both pre and post pregnancy that my blood sugar and insulin sensitivity is quite good.

After my date experiments, I personally chose NOT to continue to consume dates during my pregnancy on a regular basis. Despite not eating dates, I had the easiest 3-hour labor ever. My midwife, who has over 30 years of experience, said it was “smooth as can be.” I don’t think eating dates would have helped anything! Our bodies know how to give birth and, in my opinion, we need to lean into that trust more than outsource our probability of success to eating random foods.

You might feel differently and want to eat dates anyways. If that’s you, keep reading.

What if I eat fewer dates in a sitting, but combined with other foods?

Now, you may think that eating 5 dates in one sitting is crazy, so what about spreading them out throughout the day? What about smaller portions of dates consumed with a source of fat or protein? These are all excellent questions. 

Recently, I wore a CGM monitor again (not pregnant) and tested out a portion of 2 Medjool dates eaten with a variety of common protein/fat combos.

In 4 separate “date experiments,” on an empty stomach, I ate a snack of 2 Medjool dates with:

  • cheese
  • nuts
  • thick-cut bacon (sugar-free)
  • nuts +  a square of 85% dark chocolate

I also tried a very popular snack bar made with the equivalent of 2 dates (dates are the first ingredient) that combines it with egg white protein, almonds, and cashews. This bar provides 24 grams of carbohydrate and 12 grams of protein.

For all of the combinations, including the popular snack bar, my blood sugar spiked significantly (average rise in blood sugar was >40 mg/dl, the highest being +51 mg/dl). This is more than my blood sugar rises for a typical meal for me! All the graphs looked very similar to this one below.

Finally, I tried eating dates alone or in combo with a protein/fat option after a high-protein, low-carbohydrate meal.

The only time my blood sugar did not spike excessively was when I consumed dates after a high-protein, low-carbohydrate meal.

In the first test, I tried 2 dates eaten after a meal of curried chicken salad over greens. In the second test, I tried 2 dates plus cheese eaten after a meal of eggs, a slice of bacon, and ½ piece of buttered homemade sourdough toast. Both of these meals provided 25-30 g of protein and <15 g of carbohydrate). 

Even after accounting for the dates, my blood sugar only rose 10-15 points and slowly returned to baseline. In other words, there was no spike and no crash.

Why would dates eaten after a high protein meal prevent a big blood sugar spike?

The order in which you eat foods can lessen the blood sugar spike. The fiber from vegetables slows the absorption of glucose from your digestive tract and the protein and fat in meat/eggs helps stabilize your blood sugar and prevent a crash afterwards. 

Plus, protein is known to induce a small insulin response, but not to elevate blood sugar. This means that by the time you’re eating dates, there is already insulin circulating to help shuttle blood sugar out of your bloodstream before it rises too high. 

Lastly, by eating an overall lower carb meal, you can avoid an “additive effect” of too high of a carbohydrate load from that meal (less risk of a big blood sugar spike). In other words, you’re treating dates like your dessert.

This effect probably would not work well after a high carbohydrate meal, such as one that includes pasta, oatmeal, or rice. In that scenario, you’d simply be adding “fuel to the fire” of a preexisting blood sugar spike.

If you really enjoy eating dates and you do not have gestational diabetes, you might still choose to eat dates. If that’s you, here are some options to help lessen the blood sugar spike:

  • Consider having no more than two dates in a sitting to minimize the blood sugar spike.
  • Consider having a meal or snack of meat, chicken, fish or eggs alongside a green vegetable side prior to having dates. Think of dates like dessert! Bonus points if you combine dates with a source of protein, fat, or fiber to further blunt the blood sugar spike.
  • Consider the carbohydrate load of the rest of your diet. If you choose to eat 4-7 dates per day, that can add an additional 60-105 grams of carbohydrates (it depends on the type & size of the dates). You may choose to have the dates replace other carbohydrates, particularly other quickly digesting or low nutrient density carbohydrates, such as added sugar, pasta, white bread, or white rice.
  • Try going for a 10-20 minute walk after having dates. Your muscles will use the extra glucose in your bloodstream for energy, resulting in a smaller blood sugar spike. (That said, in one of my date experiments, I did go for a 20 minute walk after having dates and my blood sugar still rose >40 mg/dl. Dates after a high-protein meal was far more effective at preventing a spike than exercise after eating dates.)

If you try the above, consider using a blood sugar meter to check your readings every 15 minutes for 2 hours after eating dates to confirm that you do not spike and crash too violently. At minimum, check at 45-60 minutes after eating and again at 2 hours. (Alternatively, try a CGM, which will give you minute-by-minute readings). 

In the U.S., you’ll need a prescription to obtain a CGM, but you can get a normal glucometer over the counter at any pharmacy. If you’re not currently pregnant, a service like Levels is also an option (at the time of writing, they do not provide CGMs if you are pregnant). If you are pregnant and in the U.S., you’ll need to work with your provider directly to obtain a CGM.

Also pay attention to how you feel after eating dates. If you’re not checking your blood sugar directly, your symptoms can relay clues of blood sugar imbalances.

  • Do you get jittery (as if you’ve had lots of coffee on an empty stomach)?
  • Does your pulse and/or heart rate increase (as if your heart is beating out of your chest)?
  • How soon after eating dates are you hungry? Is your hunger insatiable?
  • How are your energy levels? Were they sustained or did they rise, then tank?
  • Did you get sleepy or foggy headed and feel like taking a nap?
  • Did you get digestive discomfort or nausea?

Any of the above can be indications of a blood sugar spike and crash, which is a very stressful situation metabolically for your body. If that’s you, you might choose to forgo the dates altogether. Every body is different. Just because I could avoid a spike by eating them after a high-protein meal doesn’t mean that will be the case for you.  

So what is the final verdict on eating dates during pregnancy?

Are dates the miraculous antidote for improved labor outcomes that we’d like them to be? At best, we can say, “maybe,” but probably not to any extreme. We know that:

  • Eating dates during pregnancy, labor and even postpartum is a common practice in some parts of the world. In Islamic culture, the date is considered a sacred fruit. 
  • Dates are very high in carbohydrates with just 100 grams (around 4-6 dates) providing about 75 grams of carbohydrates, more than 63 grams of which is sugar. 
  • Before birth, there are some studies that suggest date consumption may decrease gestational duration and increase the likelihood of natural labor, though not all studies are in agreement.
  • During birth, it’s been found that date consumption in pregnancy may increase the rate of cervical dilation. However, the jury is still out if date consumption reliably shortens labor. Dates can make for a great labor snack if you need a boost of energy.
  • There is inconclusive evidence that eating dates will decrease the likelihood of C-sections and reduce labor pain. However, eating dates may reduce the amount of bleeding after delivery. 
  • There have not been studies to assess the glycemic impact of eating dates during pregnancy, however studies performed outside of pregnancy, show that dates can induce an equivalent blood sugar spike to a glucose tolerance test.
  • Even slightly elevated blood sugars have been linked to high insulin levels in infants at birth and other adverse outcomes (especially neonatal hypoglycemia), so if you choose to consume dates, do so in a way that minimizes the risk of high blood sugar. Fetal insulin levels are a direct reflection of maternal blood sugar levels.
  • To minimize the blood sugar spike from eating dates, consume them after a high-protein, low-carbohydrate meal. This is far more effective at avoiding a blood sugar spike than eating dates as a snack, even when that snack includes a source of fat, protein, or fiber.

All in all, whether you eat dates or not during pregnancy, I hope you have a better understanding of why dates are a popular topic and how you can make eating dates work for you, if you so choose. 


PS — Did you eat dates during pregnancy? How were your labor outcomes? Tell me in the comments below. Also, if you’ve ever done your own “date experiment,” I’d love to hear what you learned from blood sugar monitoring. Did they spike you the same as me? More? Less? 



  1. Vayalil, Praveen K. “Date fruits (Phoenix dactylifera Linn): an emerging medicinal food.” Critical reviews in food science and nutrition 52.3 (2012): 249-271.
  2. Mojahed, S. H., et al. “An investigation into effectiveness of date (Rutab) on postpartum hemorrhage.” SSU_Journals 20.2 (2012): 159-66.
  3. Nasiri, Morteza, et al. “Effects of consuming date fruits (Phoenix dactylifera Linn) on gestation, labor, and delivery: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials.” Complementary therapies in medicine 45 (2019): 71-84.
  4. Bagherzadeh Karimi, Alireza, et al. “Effects of date fruit (Phoenix dactylifera L.) on labor and delivery outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis.” BMC pregnancy and childbirth 20.1 (2020): 1-14.
  5. Karnamy, Seyed Hossein Hosseini and Ali Asghar Asghari Velujayi. “Evaluation of the Effects of Date Palm on Childbirth Based on the Scientific Interpretation of Verses 26-23 of Surah Maryam (As) in the Holy Quran.” Journal of Religion & Health 3 (2015): 29-40.
  6. Al-Kuran, O., et al. “The effect of late pregnancy consumption of date fruit on labour and delivery.” Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology 31.1 (2011): 29-31.
  7. Romano, Amy M. “Research summaries for normal birth.” The Journal of perinatal education vol. 17,1 (2008): 48-52.
  8. Al-Shahib, Walid, and Richard J. Marshall. “The fruit of the date palm: its possible use as the best food for the future?.” International journal of food sciences and nutrition 54.4 (2003): 247-259.
  9. Razali, Nuguelis, et al. “Date fruit consumption at term: Effect on length of gestation, labour and delivery.” Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 37.5 (2017): 595-600.
  10. Kordi, Masoumeh, et al. “The effect of late pregnancy consumption of date fruit on cervical ripening in nulliparous women.” Journal of Midwifery and Reproductive Health 2.3 (2014): 150-156.
  11. Kordi, Masoumeh, et al. “Effect of dates in late pregnancy on the duration of labor in nulliparous women.” Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research 22.5 (2017): 383.
  12. Baliga, Manjeshwar Shrinath, et al. “A review of the chemistry and pharmacology of the date fruits (Phoenix dactylifera L.).” Food research international 44.7 (2011): 1812-1822.
  13. Taavoni, Simin, et al. “The Effect of Oral Date Syrup on Severity of Labor Pain in Nulliparous.” Shiraz E-Medical Journal 20.1 (2019).
  14. Khadem, N., et al. “Comparing the efficacy of dates and oxytocin in the management of postpartum hemorrhage.” Shiraz E-Medical Journal 8.2 (2007): 64-71.
  15. Mathew, Sweety, et al. “Metabolic changes of the blood metabolome after a date fruit challenge.” Journal of Functional Foods 49 (2018): 267-276.
  16. Durnwald, Celeste P et al. “Glycemic characteristics and neonatal outcomes of women treated for mild gestational diabetes.” Obstetrics and gynecology vol. 117,4 (2011): 819-827.
  17. Vambergue, A., et al. “Is mild gestational hyperglycaemia associated with maternal and neonatal complications? The Diagest Study.” Diabetic Medicine 17.3 (2000): 203-208.
  18. Hedderson, Monique M., et al. “Pregnancy weight gain and risk of neonatal complications: macrosomia, hypoglycemia, and hyperbilirubinemia.” Obstetrics & Gynecology 108.5 (2006): 1153-1161.
  19. Knudsen, Vibeke K., et al. “Maternal dietary glycaemic load during pregnancy and gestational weight gain, birth weight and postpartum weight retention: a study within the Danish National Birth Cohort.” British Journal of Nutrition 109.8 (2013): 1471-1478.

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Lily Nichols is a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Educator, researcher, and author with a passion for evidence-based nutrition. Her work is known for being research-focused, thorough, and sensible. She is the founder of the Institute for Prenatal Nutrition®, co-founder of the Women’s Health Nutrition Academy, and the author of three books: Real Food for Fertility (co-authored with Lisa Hendrickson-Jack), Real Food for Pregnancy, and Real Food for Gestational Diabetes


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  1. I’ve just started eating dates at 36 weeks pregnant. I always pair them with some sort of fat and protein. I will check my blood sugars more frequently now and see if there’s a large spike. When I did the GTT (with orange juice though, not glucola), my glucose was measured at 60 something. I wouldn’t eat dates if I had GD. What is an “appropriate” blood sugar spike from baseline?

    • I don’t know that there’s a hard and fast rule on what “counts” as a blood sugar spike, but I personally don’t like to see it spike more that 30 mg/dl after eating. I also think it’s important to pay attention to your symptoms.

  2. I ate dates during the last month or two of my pregnancy hoping for the benefits for a easier/shorter labor. I did not track my blood sugar and I don’t remember any symptoms along with the dates, but wasn’t looking for any either. I went into spontaneous 1 week early with my water breaking. My labor was 8-9 hours long with contractions 2 min apart from when my water broke. I pushed for about 1.5 hours. My labor nurse commented on how short my labor was, and said most first time moms push for much longer than 2 hours. This was my first time having a child so it is hard to say if this was from the dates or just the way my body/genetics work in labor. I also kept active, did many exercises from spinning babies, and worked with a chiropractor to help keep everything in alignment which could of also impacted labor time/pushing time. IF I use dates again I am going to utilize the dessert method outlined in the article. Thank you!

  3. I ate dates during my last trimester, per my midwife’s recommendation, and did end up have a quick, natural labor, but I absolutely hated them, and tried every combination under the sun to be able to eat them without feeling gross afterwards. This gives me the freedom to skip it if I want next time. Thank you!

    • Freedom to do what you want next round! <3

  4. I ate 6 dates a day for the last couple weeks of my pregnancy. My water broke at 38weeks + 2days, however my contractions were not regular enough to be admitted to the birth center; and after about 32 hrs they recommended trying a natural induction with a castor oil smoothie. I started having contractions every 2 min lasting about a minute to a minute and a 1/2 less than an hour after the castor oil.
    We went to the birth center and I was only dilated to 1.5cm (they won’t admit until 4cm) they were going to send me home but after witnessing me have 3 contractions they agreed I couldn’t go anywhere and let me stay. An hour and a half later I was at 4cm. We think the affects of the castor oil kicked in about an hour after that and I was on the toilet dealing with the severe intestinal cramping and having to poop. (The midwives think that masked my transition to active labor). They were not aware I had not already had the side effects of the castor oil before arriving at the birth center.)When I got up off the toilet I felt like my son was coming. I told the midwives he was coming and they asked me to get to the bed so they could check how far I was dilated. I couldn’t get on the bed because contractions were on top of one another so they said they’d check me between contractions standing up leaning over the bed to see how far dilated I was. I was fully dilated and he was crowning. 3 contractions later my son was born, 6hrs of labor. (I did labor in a birthing tub until I had to use the toilet. When I felt him coming I knew I wouldn’t make it back to the tub.

  5. Thank you for the info! I’m 36 weeks today and my midwife did say to start eating 6 dates/day. I was wondering about the blood sugar spike and was happy to find your email with a link to this article this morning! I think I’ll only be eating 4/day and then only eating after a good, healthy meal like you suggest- not as a standalone snack.

    • It’s definitely worth testing your blood sugar to see how your body responds!

  6. I had GD when pregnant and had heard of some of the benefits of dates. In the last month I ate one date with protein (usually nuts) and lots of water for my morning snack each day and my sugars always stayed in range. I learned so much from my GD pregnancy about how much sugar is in most foods. With dried foods, I really had to look at them and remember that they started out much bigger. Just like I wouldn’t eat two plums or apples, I wouldn’t eat two dates. Everyone has to find their own “sweet” spot though.
    I can’t imagine eating 5!

  7. One of my favorite ways to eat dates (anytime, not pregnant) is with a piece of white cheddar cheese and a whole grain cracker. On the flavor side, the cracker and cheese balance the sweetness and it’s a nice combination of textures. But now I’m wondering if I should leave off the cracker altogether in order to lower the carb content.

    Thank you for this insightful discussion! I wrote a post about dates a couple of years ago and plan to update it to reference what you’ve shared.

    • Yeah, I’d probably swap the cracker for something else crunchy. Maybe a nut? Or a cheese crisp?

  8. Love this. Thanks for outlining it all! I tried 6 dates a day for the last 4 weeks before my due date (ended up being more than 5 weeks because the baby was late) with my first. Hers was definitely my quickest and easiest labor. I avoided dates with my second (for science, haha) and was spotty with them for 3 and 4. My 2nd was similarly late but a more challenging labor. 3 and 4 were induced 3 weeks early, which brought it’s own challenges. I’ve never had GD but eating that many dates definitely made me queasy.

  9. This is a really interesting read, thanks for sharing and testing your own sugars! I had GDM and tried to eat 2 dates a day towards the end with peanut butter. I was convinced it would help me have an easier delivery. It didn’t spike me too badly, but I wound up with a lengthy induction and hypertension anyway so it was probably pointless. If I get pregnant and wind up with GDM again I will skip the dates and save myself from the sugar spike.

  10. Very interesting. Do you think the results would be different in someone that eats a more moderate amount of carbs per day (since you eat a very low-carb diet)?

    • Everyone’s carb tolerance is different and everyone’s response to different carbs is different. That said, I don’t eat a “very low carb diet” actually. I consider it “moderately low carb,” which I explain in my CGM article. Interestingly, I’ve had a number of other colleagues, all without glucose or insulin “issues” with varying levels of carbs in their diet (none following a ketogenic diet) report similar blood sugar excursions from dates, so I do not believe my results are an outlier. The study I mention in this article that tested dates versus of glucose tolerance test would support this.

  11. I had GD and tried having dates during my third trimester, though only about 1 date per day (at first I tried it to see how it would affect my blood sugar, and then I kept eating a date a day most days because it was super tasty and “what if it helped?!” — though the studies looking at dates during pregnancy of course have women eat WAY more than just one date per day). I would chop up a date and mix it with heavy cream, vanilla & peanut butter. Delicious. Afterwards my blood sugar would slowly rise to around 110-115 (I had a CGM), and taper back down. Not sure if eating dates was the wisest choice but I was very conscientious about carb tracking overall, and had a normal weight, healthy baby with no hypoglycemia.

  12. I am so grateful for this research to share with clients! Everyone’s worried about a long labor and few women are worried about GDM complications.

    I ate the 4 dates daily for the last month of pregnancy with baby #5 (no GDM). I had a labor almost identical to my previous 3 births when I had not eaten dates. My baby was ~9# the same as baby #4. My pregnancy length was similar to my others. The was no benefit for me personally to eating dates, and I wouldn’t repeat it.

    • Thanks for sharing your experience, Dorothy!

  13. Such a great article; thank you, Lily! I regularly ate dates in the last few weeks of gestation with my first (currently pregnant with #2). I ALWAYS ate them as my dessert (and with nut butter) at lunchtime, so I still had time throughout the day to burn the extra sugar. My labor was amazing.. 6 hours, from start to finish and not overly painful. Coincidence? Maybe. I did have some PPH, however. My husband is of middle eastern descent, so I still plan to consume dates this pregnancy (and already do!) because they’re such an integral part of middle eastern cuisine/culture. I’m intrigued to see how labor #2 goes.

    • They do make a good dessert, so this seems like the best of both worlds if you enjoy eating dates. 🙂

  14. This was a super informative read! Thanks for the detail and info.

  15. You are such a thorough researcher, Lily! I’ll often research something and download the info I need then forget what the data actually says lol.
    I have eaten dates during my last few pregnancies but I don’t think I could stomach eating several in one sitting! I see how much sugar is in just one so I have been having about one a day. I think this is where the placebo effect could come into play. Women who are eating dates may believe it’s truly gonna help their labor and delivery which may in fact help their labor and delivery!

    • Yep, that’s a good point. Our minds are incredibly powerful and (my opinion) is that birth has much more to do with surrendering to the process (getting out of your thinking mind and letting your body lead) than anything else, assuming that you’re birthing in a setting that isn’t actively sabotaging your efforts!

  16. Great Article Lily! Thank you for your time and hard work that is put into your blog. You are my go-to for all things nutrition. I swear by dates for my quick labor, 5 hours + pushing time, as a first time mom. For my next pregnancy I will eat them after a meal just to be more mindful of my blood sugar!

  17. Great post! Thank you for all the info!
    I did 4-6 dates a day for the last half (or a little more) or my fourth pregnancy, and it was definitely easier than the prior two labors (although labor with my first was my easiest). Who knows if that was merely incidental or not, but I would try the dates again in a potential future pregnancy.

    I was monitoring my blood glucose because it was slightly elevated this pregnancy, and while 6 dates after breakfast (of just fried/scrambled eggs) would sometimes spike my blood glucose numbers, eating just 3 or 4 didn’t. And I felt better eating the dates than I did eating the just-eggs breakfast with nothing else after.

    Thanks for the quality research, Lily!

  18. I also had GDM (insulin controlled for fasting) and ate dates from week 36, but only 1 or 2 at a time with a big spoonful of peanut butter. It didn’t spike my blood sugars so bad and I was doing it because I knew I would be induced and was hoping that dates would help in the process. I had a 17h labour after a stretch and sweep and an acupuncture session, birthed vaginally with forceps but just because baby turned upside down. He successfully passed all blood sugar tests after birth. baby was measuring in the 50% percentile the entire pregnancy and even now at 11 months old. I was never overweight, I was called an atypical diabetic because I was thin. I still eat 2 dates with Lindt 95% chocolate and a couple of brazil nuts per day because I love it as my afternoon snack.

  19. Amazing article! Thank you for all this info concisely written!

  20. Very informative article! I’m assuming all of this would apply to Lara bars and knockoffs? (Not necessarily the type you mentioned in your article). Meaning, best to consume after a low carb/high protein meal? I often use these as on the go snacks when I know I won’t have the ability to eat for awhile. Same for my kids—on the go snacks that feel more “clean” than other things, but I have always wondered about the sugar and am now wondering if we should avoid entirely since we don’t typically use them as “dessert.”

    • Yes, this would apply to Lara bars. If they’re a go-to snack, maybe consider having some additional protein 20 min or so prior to eating the Lara bar, such as a hard boiled egg, cheese, meat stick/salami, etc.

  21. Hi, it was such a good resd. So thorough!
    I am a Myslim, by religion, so for me eating dates during labour and in last stages of pregnancy came more from Quran. But, I knew there would be a scientific reason there too (as is mostly with everything written in Quran if we interpret it properly and question everything). So glad to havevread this article.
    Mine, and of other few women I know of, experience of labour went so smooth, maybe because if hypnobirthing or dates..haha. i have two kids, and I used dates in the second labour, and not only it went smooth but also quick. It gave me so much energy, as I almost fainted at the onset of labour, it was dates that gave me that power and energy instantly. Followed Lily’s book to the core so didnt have Gestational diabetes, although I had it with my first pregnancy.

  22. I discovered by accident (at snack time, haha) that I can avoid the sugar crash from dates by eating them alongside of a cup of green tea. Really impressive, because dates until then were my enemy #1. They left me hangry and never satisfied. Still don’t particularly like them, but it was interesting to find that. It’s the EGCG in green tea that helps. I have reactive hypoglycemia.

    Thank you for your work, Lily.

    • Very interesting, thanks for sharing!

  23. I’m 21 and not pregnant and am so grateful I came across your page on my Instagram!

    My heart palpitates if I have dates even with nut butters or in a muesli bar.

    Recently I started having some vegetables (like sweet potato or celery) before the dates and I’ve noticed a huge difference!

    Thank you

  24. Hi Lily,
    SO glad this article arrived to my inbox today because I’m 30 weeks pregnant and currently live in the Middle East where dates are consumed all the time (and my husband is obsessed with them).
    I had 4-6 dates every few days the last month of my first pregnancy (no GD) and while I had a short labor and delivery and I showed up fully dilated to the hospital, I did have a bigger baby (9lb 7oz) with slight should dystocia and her blood sugar dropped after birth so we had to monitor that for a good day. All was ok and she’s beautifully healthy but I do not think I will consume dates this time around. I do eat them every once in awhile because they are part of every day life here but I will be mindful of when and how I eat them. Also going to see if my husband will slow down his intake. . He consumes way too many at one time with only coffee!
    Thanks again!

    • Maybe checking blood sugar after eating would be helpful for him! Or, at the very least, saving dates for dessert, just a few at a time. I’m certainly of the opinion that if you enjoy something, find a way to eat it in a way that avoids a big blood sugar spike. And if you don’t like them, no need to force it!

  25. Lily – I would love if you would share if you think there is anything diet-wise that does effect labor speed and ease. Having heard about Weston A Price’s observations that women eating nutrient dense, whole food diets had fast and smooth labors makes me think there has to be a connection! I eat a nutrient dense, whole food diet, but probably indulge in too much (Einkorn) flour and sugar. I’ve had two very long and challenging labors with slow dilation and I’m wondering if there’s a dietary link…

    • My personal opinion is it has more to do with mindset, location of delivery, who is there (do you feel safe?), interventions, baby’s positioning, relaxation of the pelvic floor, etc. Does nutrition help? It can’t hurt. I just don’t see nutrition as the *only* factor that can impact labor outcomes.

  26. I ate dates from 36 weeks of pregnancy. Labor took a good 20 hours, with very slow dilation. I don’t think dates would help during labor, especially if you are following a low carb diet. (I absolutely didn’t like the taste of it either.)

  27. Great post!! I really enjoyed reading this. Thankyou for researching and concisely collating all that info for us! I am not currently pregnant, but do like
    the occasional date. The advice to eat a just a couple of dates after a high protein low carb meal to prevent a spike, is something I would like to remember and incorporate into my life right now! I had no idea they were sooo sugary! I guess I will have to treat them as ‘nature’s candy’ and be mindful of how they ought to be best consumed 🙂

    • Yep, nature’s candy and best eaten as dessert!

  28. Just gave birth in Feb and had a quick 4 hour labor and natural delivery. Did not eat any dates. First birth was much slower (water broke, needed pitocin and epidural) but I remember trying to eat dates to induce. I don’t believe dates would have changed the outcome of either of my birth experiences.

  29. Gosh you are so thorough! Thank you for all the work you do! In my last pregnancy I had 3-5 dates starting at 36 weeks. Made labor date balls too and consumed them throughout labor. Get this, my water broke at week 38. Long story but I labored for 4 days and still ended in a c-section. There was no amount of dates I could eat to fix my what I now know, tight pelvic floor. I tensed up and lifted my pelvic floor at every contraction. My baby was born and was with me in my room all night but was rushed to the NICU the next morning for hypoglycemia. He resolved it on his own but it took 10 days to do so. The doctors were so confused. At discharge there was no official diagnosis. He just had hypoglycemia and resolved it on his own in 10 days. Looks like your article here makes a lot of sense and might provide my closure … Thank you! Pregnant again and being super careful with my carbs this time. Will remember to eat a high protein low carb meal before eating a date and I’ll probably only stick to 3 a day. No labor date balls this time. Thank you thank you again, Lily!!

    • Oh wow, that’s so interesting. Thanks for sharing your story. Illustrates perfectly how there are SO many variables at play with labor.

  30. I ate so many goddamn dates during my pregnancy right up until I gave birth. I freakin love dates. I had a homebirth and was in labor for two days, water didn’t break until an hour or so before I gave birth. Thank you so much for this in depth article and for all that you do!! From now on I will have only two AFTER my meal!!

  31. I only ate dates on and off from 35 weeks, mostly because I couldn’t bring myself to consume more than 2 dates in one sitting. I found it sickly sweet (I have a low tolerance to overly sweet stuff). I had to be induced at 41 weeks, so the patchy consumption probably didn’t do anything. I only pushed for 30 minutes, though. However, I found that having 1-2 medjool dates topped with almond butter, alongside some fresh pineapple (alleged cervix ripener, as well), made for an incredibly satiating dessert. I never got hungry at night if I had that after dinner, even though I had a very healthy appetite. Did you, by chance, see anything about pineapple and pregnancy/labor in the literature?

  32. I started eating 4-6 dates at week 26….I had the longest and most complicated birth. 2.5 days with contractions until I got induced, 12 hours until fully dialated, 2 hours of pushing and ended up with forceps. So, no… dated do not work

  33. Hey there,
    I ate six dates a day from when I was 35 weeks pregnant (paired with protein and fat of course!) I was pretty consistent and enjoyed having them as a treat. I went into spontaneous labour at 38 weeks and arrived at the hospital 9cm dilated, which I was pretty happy with. However, I didn’t have an easy birth and my son required an instrumental delivery due to his position. Not sure if the dates had a hand in an easy first stage or not.

  34. Hi Lily,

    What could be an alternative to dates in a snack bar form that wouldn’t increase blood glucose as much?

    Thank you.

  35. I’m currently 36 weeks pregnant, so for the last couple of days, I’ve been eating dates and trying to make them “work” in several different ways, but it’s just not happening for my body. If I eat more than one or two daily (even if spread them out, and even after a meal), I still get digestive discomfort. I knew the research was a little all over the place, but wanted to give it a shot since so many women swear by them, and I felt I “should” eat them to give myself the best chance at having a smooth labor. This article is just what I needed to give myself permission to stop eating so many dates if they’re not working for me, lol. Thanks as always for your insight!

  36. Hello. I have 2 children and both times during my pregnancy I eat dates religiously and my labour was sweet and short. I dilated fast and I honestly believe it was due to the dates. I’m a Muslim, as mentioned above I took for religious reasons too with the faith that it’ll ease my labour and thankfully it did.

  37. Wonderful post, Lily. Such in-depth information!
    I’m currently almost 4 weeks postpartum with baby #4 and I did eat 3 medjool dates almost every day starting at 37 weeks. Baby came at exactly 39 weeks and I walked into the hospital in absolutely no pain, dilated to a 6. I honestly felt no pain until I reached a 9 and by then it was almost over, thankfully.:) this was my 4th unmedicated hospital birth and whether or not it’s related to the dates I cannot say but it was by far the most painless of them all. This was the only pregnancy that I ate dates.
    Also, my uterus shrunk very quickly and I had no afterbirth pains. Almost 4 weeks postpartum and I haven’t taken any type of pain medicine yet. If I were to have another baby I would definitely consider eating the dates again.

  38. Hello! Thank you for all of the information you provide. I have not been able to find any information regarding dates and the beginning of pregnancy – is there any concern about dates in first and second trimesters? I am preparing various small bite/snack foods for first trimester and would like to use dates as an energy bite/ball base.

    • No concerns with dates in early pregnancy outside of the blood sugar concerns, so be sure to read the second half of this article for tips to mitigate the blood sugar spike.

  39. Hi Lily,

    I am curious to know your thoughts on first fermenting the dates in Kefir water to reduce their sugar content? Then still pairing them with a healthy fat/protein and consuming only 1-2 at a time after low carb high protein/healthy fat meals.
    Thanks so much

  40. I chose not to eat dates during my last pregnancy because they made me jittery in my other 2 pregnancies. But I wonder if this information could also directly apply to those of us not pregnant? (I figure it probably does) I tried the viral trend of “snickers” dates – date stuffed with nut butter, nuts and covered in dark chocolate. That was one of the worst bouts of nausea I had ever experienced. I felt awful after that. I have since steered clear of dates. But I am really appreciating this info on having something like that after a meal. I have taken it and applied it to all my other desserts. If I am going to have something sweet, I prefer to have it very shortly after my meal- not waiting like my family likes to do. It feels much better on my system. Thanks for all the time and research you put into helping us with this information!

  41. This was super informative! I ate dates frequently during my first pregnancy, with oatmeal *gasp*, and gained 70+ lbs. I’m pregnant again and following the guidance from your book. I feel so much better eating lower carb. I do not crave sugar/sweets and have not been eating treats. I had a natural delivery the first time that went smoothly, so after reading your summary, I will probably not eat many dates this time. If I do, I will eat them after a meal as you suggest. Thank you for the guidance!

  42. I had gestational diabetes during my last pregnancy and wore a CGM. I ate red dates (jujubes) in the last several weeks before birth and was able to avoid blood sugar spikes by only having 2 at a time, having red dates instead of medjool dates, after a high protein/low carb meal, and taking a walk afterwards. This was part of a few other non-medication measures to induce labor by 38 weeks (better outcomes for baby with Down syndrome). I was able to avoid a medical induction and had a super fast, beautiful birth experience and healthy baby. Not sure if the dates contributed or not, but happy that I was able to try them and avoid blood sugar issues.

  43. 39 weeks into my second pregnancy and am eating 6 dates a day with nut butter (as I did in my first). I have had an uncommon response to the glucose tolerance testing in both pregnancies (1 hour and 2 hour) with a normal pre-BSL level which drops to low post (4.1 to 2.9 in most recent test). I would love to find out more about my body’s response to foods but am commenting from NZ where it sounds we don’t have as easy access to blood sugar monitoring. A very interesting read all the same and some new practices to apply- thank you!

  44. I have quite natural instinct how much of sugary food to eat and I could never eat more than two dates in one sitting even when I was pregnant. Normally I’d eat half a date per sitting. If Bedouins tell you that you can survive on 4 dates a day it gives you a clue why eating more than a couple in one sitting is just not the right thing to do. Eating dates saved me in my pregnancy as I wouldn’t have any energy otherwise as I struggled to eat in general. It provided me with the right sugar and the right time and my labour was short and easy. Was it the dates or Hypnobirthing? Hmm may be little bit of both as I believed dates would help in labour so it was either a placebo effect or a real thing.

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